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P38 MAP KINASE INHIBITOR IV >95% - 506153 - 10MG

Réf.: 234356  243.506153.02
Délai de livraison : Nous contacter au +33 (0)2 40 93 53 53
246,50 € HT
p38 MAP Kinase Inhibitor IV - CAS 1638-41-1 - Calbiochem The p38 MAP Kinase Inhibitor IV, also referenced under CAS 1638-41-1, controls the biological activity of p38 MAP Kinase. This small molecule/inhibitor is primarily used for Phosphorylation & Dephosphorylation applications.
Nom P38 MAP KINASE INHIBITOR IV >95% - 506153 - 10MG
Ancienne référence 243.506153.02
N°CAS 1638-41-1
Marque commerciale SIGMA-ALDRICH
Poids brut 0.01 KG
Poids net 0.01 KG
Nomenclature douanière 29309098

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